20 Tips on How to Save Gas While Driving

Are you one of those car owners who worry about the constant rise in gas prices? Well, you’re certainly not alone. While it seems a good idea to commute to cut back on gas expenses, it doesn’t beat the comfort of driving your own car. Good thing you don’t have to compromise your travels to preserve gasoline. You just have to change your driving habits. Here are some tips on how to save gas while driving.

1. Ease up on the accelerator

Accelerating gently, especially when driving in the city, will help you save more fuel. Because the harder you step on the accelerator pedal, the more fuel is wasted. So, the next time you’re in a full stop, make sure it takes at least 5 seconds to speed up your vehicle to 20kph.

2. Maintain a steady speed

Sudden speed changes can increase fuel consumption. That is why highway driving is more efficient than city driving. Maintain a steady speed by trying to avoid rapid stops and starts, especially when you’re driving on the highway. The cruise control feature can also be a helpful tool in conserving gasoline. 

3. Stay alert and anticipate traffic

Always be mindful of your surroundings and keep a safe distance from the car in front of you. Anticipate movements of pedestrians and other cars so you’ll know when to slow down and when to speed up. This way you’ll be saving gas and be safer at the same time.

4. Limit your speed

While driving at high speed can get you faster to your destination, it can also compromise your safety while burning more fuel. The faster you go, the sooner your fuel runs out. Save more fuel by limiting your speed between 50 and 80kph. If you’re in a hurry, drive slowly.

5. Avoid braking abruptly 

When preparing for a stop, avoid slamming on the breaks and try coasting to slow down by taking your foot off the accelerator instead. Braking abruptly will not only cost you more fuel but it will also wear your tires and brakes faster too. 

6. Avoid idling your vehicle

When your car comes to a stop for more than one (1) minute, switch off the engine. Typically, an idle vehicle with a three (3) liter engine can potentially lose one (1) cup of fuel every 10 minutes. This excludes being stuck in the traffic.

7. Check tire pressure

Every tire has a corresponding amount of pressure and you must check it to avoid overinflated or deflated tires. It is crucial to check your tire pressure often as it will not only help conserve gasoline but also helps prevent accidents. Check the owner’s manual for correct tire pressure. 

8. Limit your carload

You don’t have to carry everything in your car. Don’t bring unimportant things inside your car that might cause additional weight to the car. The heavier your carload is, the more fuel is consumed. It’s better to travel light as it will save you enough fuel for the next ride.

9. Turn off the A/C

Try saving up your fuel by not using the air conditioner. As long as the weather is good and it is not too hot, you may opt to lower your car window instead. It is said that turning off your A/C saves up to 20% of your fuel usage. 

10. Eliminate wind resistance (aerodynamics)

Remove unnecessary car racks or carriers when you have nothing to put on it. Doing so can help eliminate wind resistance and can save your fuel up to 20%. 

11. Plan ahead

It is best to plan all your short or long trips ahead of time. Check all the possible routes to take. Keep away from any traffics, long routes in the city with intersections and traffic lights. Listen to traffic updates. In this way, you will greatly preserve gasoline.

12. Combine trips

To conserve gasoline, combine all your errands in the day. Schedule everything you need to go and visit and decide which comes first and which goes last. Doing this will not only maximize your time but also your fuel.

13. Use correct motor oil

Using the correct motor oil helps maximize engine performance. Lower viscosity oil has proven to be more fuel-efficient and helps improve fuel economy by decreasing engine friction.

14. Drive a manual

Manual transmission vehicles are more fuel-efficient than automatic ones. If you want to improve your gas mileage, consider driving a manual.  

15. Use a manual transmission properly

Check the tachometer, a measurement of the engine speed, and identify when to change to a manual transmission. Shifting in this way will save your gas when driving.

16. Reduce heater use in winter

Another tip to preserve gasoline is to reduce the use of heaters during winter. Heater use burns fuel faster. During winter, you may park your car in a warm spot. You may turn on the heater five minutes before you drive or while it’s running. Avoid turning it on when idle.

17. Tune your engine

Engine performance greatly affects fuel efficiency. A properly tuned engine consumes less fuel and improves your driving experience. Make sure to tune up your engine based on your owner’s manual.

18. Change filters

A clean air filter allows more fresh air to go through the engine, which would require less gas as a result. The more air goes to the engine, the better your gas mileage is.  

19. Avoid gas stations near the highways

Gas stations near highways tend to be more expensive. If possible, fill up your gas tank near state lines. Also, do not wait for your gas to be empty before filling up. You do not want to be stranded with an empty tank. Here’s what you should do if you ran out of gas.

20. Drive less often

How to conserve gas? Do not use your vehicle every day. Learn to take a walk or use a bicycle if you have one. This will not only give you a positive and healthy lifestyle but it will also help you save more gasoline. 


How can you save gas when driving? While there’s nothing we can do about price hikes in gasoline, we can change our driving habits. Following these tips can help a lot in saving gasoline and money at the same time. Not only that but it can also improve your car’s longevity. Being a disciplined driver can go a long way.
Pro Tip: If you happen to run out of gas, call Neighborhood Roadside for a timely on-site fuel delivery service in New Jersey.